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Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville :  Market is Open! Come on in...

The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!

Raw Cow Milk

Last Spring I let everyone know that our Milk orders had dropped and if our orders did not ‘rebound’, it would be necessary for Sam to increase the price of Raw Cow Milk or stop delivering to our Markets. Effective this week:

Raw Cow Milk for Pets 1/2 gallon glass $4.25
Raw Cow Milk for Pets 1/2 gallon plastic $5.25

Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit Ozone
519 Hurricane Shoals Rd., Suite J
Lawrenceville, GA 30046

Take me to the Crossfit Market.

Please know that we appreciate the support of Crossfit O-Zone Gym, Crossfit PURE and All Saints Lutheran Church for the use of the great spaces for Market. We are grateful for you and for your support of our dedicated, LOCAL Farmers/Growers and Artisans.

Order now since you are just a click way!

Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!

Savannah, GA:  Market Open

Allergy season is once again showing its ugly face.
Goldenrod and many other rag weeds are affecting the eyes, nose, and lungs of many people. If you are one of those people who suffer now is the time to be pro-active and start your protocol of prevention.
There are several pharmaceuticals and over the counter items that may help but I choose to use natural remedies such as herbal teas, bee pollen, honey, quercetin, and mushroom extracts.
Bee warned… Happy sneezing!!!

This weeks tips on Biodynamic Gardening and planting by the moon cycles. Friday 11th and Saturday 12th are Fruit Times. Monday 13th through Wednesday 16th are Root Times. Thursday 17th and Friday 18th are Flower Times. Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th are Leaf Times.

Hay, should be cut at Flower Times.
Begin queen bee rearing at Flower Times.
Happy planting and harvesting.

Root Times, Root crops such as radish, beet, celery, potatoes, onions etc. Planting and harvesting at this time produce good yields and have very good storage value.
Flower Times, All types of flowering plants. According to the North American Biodynamic Calendar 2014 "cut flowers have the strongest scent and remain fresh for longer if cut at flower times, and the mother plant will provide many new side shoots. If flowers for drying are harvested at flower times they retain the most vivid colors .
Leaf Times, Leaf plants such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach, parsley, herbs, and agricultural food stuff such as hay, straw, amaranth, alfalfa, sorghum, oats etc.
Their are days which are called Unfavorable Times and may cause negative iinfluence on growth, taste and storage value. It is recommended that no planting take place on these days.
Fruit times: plants include beans, peas, corn, tomatoe, cucumber, pumpkin.

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Market is OPEN for orders!

The market is now open for ordering!

New item! Kombucha from Cultured Traditions! This local Kombucha is a refreshing effervescent elixir packed with probiotics. They use real organic fruit & herbs to create bold flavors that tastes amazing!

Order TODAY so you don’t forget! :-)

If you do NOT receive a confirmation email immediately after you placed your order, then your items are still in your cart and your order is not complete. All orders must be placed by 6pm on Sunday.

Pick up is on Tuesday at 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford 30518 from 1pm to 6:30 pm.

We take checks, cash, credit card and Dwolla

Please make sure you understand our pick up policy before you order.

Have a blessed weekend!

Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Your Market is Now Open

Good Morning.

Your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market is now open. Feel free to browse and select your items between now and Wednesday at noon.

Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters

Post Note: You can read about Patriot Day here.

CLG:  Opening Bell:

Good afternoon,
How about these cool, crisp morning lately!!! Fall must be right around the corner. And that means it’s time to stock up on summer crops while you can in preparation for winter. This morning I sliced and dehydrated 5 pounds of jalapeños. Drop them in hot water for 30 minutes and use them as fresh! They’re listed this week. Over the past 2 months I also halved and dehydrated thousands of cherry tomatoes to use the same way, and in Beaverfork Blend. So many great items listed this week.

Lavender Loaves is back! Kellogg Valley Farms has listed Butternut Squash, Purple Hull Peas and Turnip Greens.

A note from Crimmins Family Farm:
Although we haven’t yet started listing on line yet, we wanted to give our great supporters an update about our fall plantings. Over the weekend, we transplanted over 1000 lettuce, 850+ kale (3 varieties), plus choi’s, tatsoi/spinaches, arugula, mizuna, radicchio, sorrels, plus direct seeded thousands of feet of beets, radishes, turnips, greens, and snow peas. We hope to back on line soon and are looking forward to a great fall season. Thanks to all of you for supporting our family farm.

Come early on Friday for the best selection from the EXTRAS table. And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Please check your email about 5 minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!

Have a great week!

ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION. When you are done shopping, just hit the “proceed to checkout” button in your cart. You will then see the option to “Pay Now” with credit card near the bottom. Just follow the prompts to add your card. Be sure to read the screen until you see “Thank you for your order” on the top. If you need help, please call 339-7958. A 3% online payment convenience fee will be added when your card is charged.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Facebook:

CLG:  CLG Pickup TODAY 4-6pm. Bring EGGSHELLS, glass jars, egg cartons please.

Good morning,
This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table!

Thank you,

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Facebook:

Palouse Grown Market:  Local Online Farmers Market

Shop an online market, where everything is LOCAL, SUSTAINABLY GROWN and SUPER FRESH.

Enjoy the abundance that comes from the Palouse, and is grown by your neighbors.

Come check it out!
Ordering is a snap, and pick up is easy.

Happy (early) Friday!

Market Manager

Champaign, OH:  Little Pink Houses

Oh but ain’t that America, for you and me…
Ain’t that America, we’re something to see baby…
Ain’t that America, home of the free, yeah…
Little pink houses for you and me, oh for you and me…
(Little Pink Houses-John Mellencamp)

So, this song…it means many things to me. It marks, in my mind, two events, one in 1982, a very happy, history making time in my life. A carefree time in college. A time when the chapter of my sorority signed their charter to become a sorority on campus. The Delta Zetas of the Xi Beta chapter were formed. I was among one of the first pledge classes. We made campus history. We, a strong band of diverse college girls, paved the way to what is now the strongest, largest, most active sorority on my old campus.

We had no idea that we were making history. We had no idea that we would be among some of the best women that would ever touch my life. We had no idea that we would now be honored, 33 years later, by our campus. Back then, we were just girls, helping girls, building our way, learning how life worked, learning how to be leaders, learning how to be true friends…

Little Pink Houses was a song that we adopted, when we were together, when we were out in the little bars of our college town. To us, it was Little Pink Houses of Delta Z…our hope was to always be united with our sisterhood.

The Delta Zeta Creed…
To the world…
I promise temperance, and insight, and courage…
To crusade for justice…
To seek the truth and defend it always…
To those whom my life may touch in slight measure…
May I give graciously of what is mine…
To my friends, understanding and appreciation…
To those closer ones, love that is ever steadfast…
To my mind, growth…
To myself, faith…
That I may walk truly in the light of the flame…

The creed which I have tried to live my life. Along with the Golden Rule that my grandfather had me live.

Bonds, beliefs, actions.

September 11, 2001…no words. It was not the happy history making event of my Sept. 11 in college. It was history making for all of the wrong reasons. We know it. We felt it. We were broken by it, for a moment. We grieved, we tried to understand. We were horrified.

As a former flight attendant, I watched in horror. I knew the steps that those very brave airline crews were taking to ensure their passengers were comfortable. I could recite, in my head, the emergency drills that were needed, step by step. My heart broke, I cried, I felt for all families, all loved ones, each person on that day, in the days to come. In the years to come.

I often turned to the Delta Zeta creed, to try to understand how I could be of service. Because the creed speaks the most brave words to live by, to guide by, to live by. And, I continue to walk in the light of the flame…

This little local market of love is here, trying to be just a small light…and, tomorrow, our thoughts are with everyone…and, in my own heart, I hope that I serve my creed proud, and that I forever offer a sense of peace…

I open the market, tonight…may we offer all of you, a sense of love, and peace, strength, and pride…

(PS…I, in now way, can convey what each person went through on that day. I can only offer my own thoughts, and how I strive, to bring peace, love, and joy…)

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

The Cumming Harvest - Closed:  Yesterday's Newsletter Sent Today

Ooops! I spent probably an hour writing the newsletter yesterday and then found out today no one ever received it. Well…I hope you all figured out we still opened.

The market will be open today until 9pm, I know it’s not much longer but maybe enough to get those of you that thought we were closed to order.

Have a great week!

CSA Farmers Market:  Growing Season Update Sept 10, 2015

FRESH CIDER is finally here. One of the moments we have been waiting for. The cider press has been fixed and fresh cider should be available from now until early spring. You can stock up and freeze the cider. Heat a little of it to warm yourself on the cool nights. If it is in the refrigerator for too long and gets fizzy it is rather tasty, although if you do not like the fizz just freshen it by warming it on the stove.
Almar Orchard has won awards in the past for their cider. They like to mix a variety of apples that include tart and sweet to acquire excellent flavor. Into the year as the apple changes the flavor slightly changes.

Sweet Potatoes to the left, waiting to be dug out of the ground, they are in the morning glory family so the tops vine out. It is important to give them the longest possible growing season and still yet not let them get hit by frost so on a daily basis we watch the weather report and when it looks like we will have a frost we remove the tops and dig for these delicious potatoes.
Lettuce is to the right, that was recently planted in a hoop house and the lettuce can tolerate cooler temperatures. In several weeks we hope for some fresh lettuce, which will be a relief since this fresh lettuce tastes so much better than lettuce bought in the store.